It seemed like an eternity that we were in "taxi-land." Wefinally got airborne and leg room left something to be desired. I tried to sleep. At first I slept for 30 minutes or at least until we had crossed Lake Michigan. i was awaken by the sound of babies crying and the annoying cabin lights. I took some Sprite and flight pretzels, making good on my promise of sucking down sprite and eating flight pretzels...LOL!
I piped down again...but of course the lights didn't. Two hours later, i woke up to the smell of what loomed of lasagna and of course those pesky lights.
To boot with the light situation, it was way too hot in the cabin!
However, dinner was awesome for airline food...chicken and some tunes from my iPod. While eating i listened to Elton John and George Winston. For dinner i enjoyed the aforementioned chicken, snap peas, and self-made cheesy mashed potatoes(the best kind, of course.) There was also a side salad, bread and strawberry cheesecake for desert. I told my seatmate Gil, I wasn't impressed up until the point at which dinner was served.
After dinner i caught the first half of the Robert DiNero film "Everybody's Fine." Flight attendants derved tea and trinkets from the trolly. I got up to mingle and while I was up...THEY CUT THE LIGHTS OUT! It only took em 4 hours!
After struggling to get some sleep, breakfast was served. It was decent, mostly fruit and granola. It was during breakfast I realised that wer were 20 minutes late. When we arrived in Frankfurt we rand and were confronted by our worst nightmare: DUTCH CUSTOMS! YIKES!
Sounds like fun. By the way, not to be a spelling monster or a grammar Nazi or anything, but it's Deutsch customs. Dutch would be from Holland. Just thought you might want to know that bit of info.
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